Saturday, 27 August 2011

Episode 91 Steve Jobs : The Greatest American Of All Time

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Steve Jobs resigns, due to a) he's gravely ill, deathly thin and about to die soon or b) like Perfect Cell, he's decided the Z Fighters are unworthy of his time, so he's decided to kick back, spit out a few Cell Jr's from his stinger/sucker thing, and watch as each Steve Jr effortlessly destroys HP, Dell, Samsung, HTC, Motorola....

Which do YOU believe?

RAZR Gaming Laptop, 3DS sales - was a 3D orientated console a bad idea?, and the shocking revelation that SOME people think your children should suffer through pens on paper at school, which Jordan thinks is frankly Un-New Zealand-ican, iPads for all! (and knockoff tablets, Apple laptops, further knockoff laptops too) 

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Episode 90 Sony: "why would you want HD video in 2012?"

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HP kills Palm, currently the worlds largest PC seller seriously trying to sell their PC business, money quote:

“Consumers are changing the use of their PC,” HP CEO Leo Apotheker said. “The tablet effect is real and sales of the TouchPad are not meeting our expectations. The velocity of change in the personal device marketplace continues to increase as the competitive landscape is growing increasingly more complex especially around the personal computing arena,” he continued. He then repeated, “the tablet effect is real”.

Apple continues to dominate the world.

Playstation Vita, Sony's desperate attempt to make a decent product : it cant record HD video, you know, like every iPod Touch, iPhone, Android smartphone... nice one Sony, because VGA video in 2011...sorry, its delayed till *2012*, thats gonna look realllllll good on YouTube and our beautiful *Samsung* televisions....

We continue to define "hardcore"

The iPad: the most fun you can have in bed.

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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Episode 89 Gamescom and the PSP-E that couldnt (use wifi)

Gamescom 2011, Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3, PSP E 1000 without wifi, PS3 price drop

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Saturday, 13 August 2011

Episode 88 Nintendo absorbed by Apple, T Mobile by AT&T

Episode 88 Nintendo absorbed by Apple, T Mobile by AT&T

Download this episode directly here or better yet, subscribe to The Patriotcast in iTunes to get each episode automagically!

Battlefield 3 origin servers 
gamely PC digital rentals 

Hideo Kojima on HD collection, Japanese version different versions

UK riot stories, kid getting ass kicked, PSP stolen, Sony replacement, someone made a flash game about riots

AT&T officially swallowing T Mobile….one huge monopoly for GSM in USA, Javier is screwed…. 

Dream: Nintendo games for other platforms

"…But despite the allure of selling millions of copies of a touchscreen-enabled Super Mario title to some 200 million iOS users, who on average play 14.7 hours of games per month, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata will have none of it."

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Episode 87 Toby and Javier will kill Jordan

Further 3DS failure talk (guess who typed this...), PS Vita delayed EIGHT FURTHER MONTHS (according to a BestBuy Canada order leak) : is this "Sony looking out us, the poor consumer, Uncle Sony knows his nephews and nieces are suffering the recession....Uncy Sony is patiently waiting for unicorns and Happy Times before releasing this thing..." as Javier and Toby believe, or, in Jordans opinion, "its a colossal error that Only Sony (tm Jordan Wyatt) could pull off, their entire production line depending on women who become pregnant with each Vita, raise it to gestation inside their swelling belly, before having a C Section delivery, straight to your local....well..."Best Buy Canada"..."

In other words, Sony up to their usual incompetent tricks.

Find out on this episode of the Patriotcast, which may be the last episode of Alive Jordan (who'll live on through an AI)

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